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Photo by Carmen Meurer
Monday, April 17, 2023 is a day for completion, renewal, and new beginnings. The energy is sensitive, emotional, and intuitive. Use the morning to dream and to connect with others with compassion. Give yourself a Mandatory Rest Time from 11:56 - 18:10 (PDT). You may have the urge to start fresh and be impulsive in the evening.
Exercise: Reflect on how you’ve been honoring boundaries - your own boundaries and the boundaries of others. Have you been respecting your own boundaries by listening to your body, supporting your emotions, and acting in alignment with your own desires? Have you been respecting others’ boundaries by listening to them and accepting who they are? Or have you been forcing yourself or others to be “too polite”? Where can you make clearer boundaries so that you can live a more joyful life?
Featured Product: If you haven’t been honoring your own boundaries, try Boundaries!
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 is a day of duality and finding balance. The energy asks us to take time to relax and surrender while pushing us to start something new, use force, and be impulsive.
Exercise: Channel physical energy, anger, and frustration into respectful movement.
Featured Product: Are you feeling irritable and taking it out on the people you love? Try Change of Heart.
What is your favorite way to move your body when you need to create inner peace?
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 (and the days surrounding) is a time of rapid internal and external change and growth. You may find yourself in a situation before you think you're ready (as if fate is proving to you that you that it’s time). The energy is spontaneous and could be a bit tactless. But it is also rational. It’s a good day to take time out to learn. Honor any introversion that pops up today.
Exercise: Take some time for yourself to reboot without any screens. Mentally let go of the things that drain your energy and take inventory of what gives you life. Decide how you want to implement this letting go in your life over the next few weeks and how you’d like to experience more life during that time. Write yourself some goals.
You might also like to do one of these Releasing Ceremonies.
Featured Product: Do the changes in your life make no sense and you're having a hard time dealing with them? Get a Stone Session.
Thursday, April 20, 2023 is a day for manifestation. Plant your wishes. Open to the blessings and joy that are yours. You may feel like relaxing and enjoy being comfortable and secure. You may also have to deal with a bit of stubbornness from yourself and others.
Exercise: Write down some of your most secret (and not so secret) wishes. Send out a prayer of thanksgiving for those wishes (or something better) coming into your life. Put them in a dated and sealed envelope then forget about the envelope and don’t open it until at least New Year’s Eve.
Featured Product: Do you find that you are having trouble feeling comfortable in this stage of your life? Get a Life Purpose and Curriculum Reading to understand yourself and your struggles a little better.
Friday, April 21, 2023 is a day of change. You may want to stubbornly resist, but embracing your hopes and dreams will allow you to move forward. Move forward in love, beauty, and pleasure otherwise you might find yourself with a lack of will-power.
Exercise: Look for the beauty in all you do, see, and experience today.
Did you see everyday beauty that you normally miss? Share it with us by leaving a comment!
Featured Product: If you’re having trouble seeing the beauty in your life, try Fulfilled.
Saturday, April 22, 2023 is a day from communication. You may want to (or be called to) get some work done. Use your intellect, diligence, and curiosity to teach, learn, and communicate today. You may feel a bit restless. If so, addressing nagging responsibilities may help.
Exercise: If you’re getting into your head about and can’t figure out what’s working for you, read this: How do I know what's right?
Featured Product: Sometimes it’s hard to communicate when you’ve forgotten your power. Try Powerful.
Sunday, April 23, 2023 is a day for connecting with your spirituality. Experience the radiance of your loved ones. Engage with curiosity. Connect with your dreams and wishes. The energy is intellectual but fickle.
Exercise: Read a spiritual text, teach a spiritual lesson, or engage in a spiritual practice - especially if it’s not something you do regularly but is highly meaningful to you.
Featured Product: If you find you’ve disengaged from your curiosity and would rather zone out in front of a screen, try Reset.
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