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Monday, March 27, 2023 is a day of renewal. Renew your enthusiasm in your dreams and wishes. Connect with your emotions and intuition. Then use your intellect to work through the planning. Today is a great day for compassionate communication. Get any important communications completed before 6:39 PM (PDT) and then give yourself a Mandatory Rest Time for the rest of the evening.
Exercise: Be curious. Let your curiosity guide you. Ask yourself “what if” and say to yourself “I wonder” and respond to others with “tell me more”. You might even want to read about cultivating curiosity.
Featured Product: If you are curious about why you’re here and what your life’s purpose is, get a Life Purpose and Curriculum Reading.
Happy Birthday to a Powerful, Passionate, Loving woman!
(YOU can borrow my contract any time!)
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 is a day of duality. You may feel some tension between the desire to be bold and aggressive and the need to hide in a comfortable and safe space. You may feel some tension between wanting to act - forcing things to happen - and experiencing resistance. Accept that you can desire action and stillness at the same time. This world is full of duality. To help you decide where you need to be, refer to the goals you set last week (the ones that were focused on making your dreams come true) and then make decisions from that place.
Exercise: Write a to-do list for your goals for the next few weeks and start checking things off.
Featured Product: If you’re in the “why bother, it won’t work anyway” frame of mind when you think about your dreams - try Powerful.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 is a day for growth. You may feel like staying comfortable and emotions may be raw. Take some time for peace and quiet then address those things that seem to be stopping you from progress. Use your words to help you move forward.
Exercise: Take a few extra moments to address one of the personal needs you’ve been delaying.
Featured Product: If you’ve been using screens to hide from discomfort, try Reset to help you clear your head and move forward.
Thursday, March 30, 2023 is a day for manifestation. The energy is abundant, optimistic, and full of blessings. You may also be feeling a bit lazy. Take some time to re-evaluation your goals and adjust as needed. The early morning is a good time for a little self-care. Give yourself a Mandatory Rest Time from 6:45 AM - 3:31 PM (PDT). The later part of the day is a great time to acknowledge others and engage in your own creativity.
Exercise: Be playful today!
Featured Product: If you’re feeling stuck and disconnected from the blessings around you, try Fulfilled.
Friday, March 31, 2023 is a day of change - refine, edit, and alter your direction as necessary. Embrace the warm emotions but know that drama is in the air. Honor yourself for your uniqueness. Take time to experience pleasure, enjoy beauty, and show affection. Give your will-power a break.
Exercise: Look at yourself in the mirror. Smile. Give yourself a high-five. You may even want to join the High 5 Challenge. (I have no business affiliation with Mel Robbins.)
Featured Product: Is life a bit chaotic and you’re having trouble embracing pleasure, enjoying beauty, and showing affection? Try Unwind!
Saturday, April 1, 2023 is a day for creativity. Feelings of responsibility may be associated with pessimism and lack of good humor. But you may also have better self-control and be more willing to make sacrifices in the name of responsibility. Creativity will help you to enjoy your work and to refine those things that aren’t working.
Exercise: You may be feeling inflexible but flexibility is a key ingredient in creativity. Practice flexibility by engaging your body with the intention that you will experience flexibility in your mind as well. To do this, try Child’s Pose or one of the other poses in this Yoga for Flexibility article.
Featured Product: If you’re so focused on your responsibilities that you have trouble liking the people you love, try Change of Heart.
Sunday, April 2, 2023 is a day for structure. The energy is practical and emotional satisfaction may come from organization, problem solving, and routine. Spend some time focusing on your own well-being and illumination - you may even want to make that a regular part of your routine.
Exercise: Has your routine been working for you? Try refining it and see if that doesn’t support you in the coming week.
Featured Product: If your need to be perfect is ruining your life, try getting a Stone Session.
I hope you enjoy the changes to the Typically Invisible newsletter. Feel free to leave a comment about how you like it and let me know how the updates, exercises, products and/or services were helpful to you.
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