May 14, 2022Liked by Karen Estepa


I appreciate you sharing on this important topic. This is an area we can all continue to work on and grow in. It is important for us to notice our own bias when it comes up and acknowledge where that thinking may come from and how we can shift into a new way of thinking about these things. I also think it is important to put love out into the universe. This does not mean we can’t still address conflict. Many times when we enter into conflict from a place of love and desire for understanding, we actually surface from that conflict closer to others and with a deeper respect for others. I do agree that when working with people who had a history of some sort of behavior that was not ideal for our society, most of those individuals had a history of trauma, particularly during their childhood. I am so thankful that there continues to be research on understanding childhood (and adult) trauma and how to best support individuals after they have experienced trauma.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. And yes, understanding trauma is so important so that it can be healed rather than passed on. I wrote a little more about trauma in the December 2, 2021 question: "Why do I feel like I have PTSD if nothing bad ever happened to me?". The effects can be so much wider than we ever know - both in the response to trauma and in the healing of the trauma.

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