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Photo by Paolo Feser
Monday, April 24, 2023 is a day for mastery. You may instinctively require peace and quiet. Your connection to your intuition and emotions could feel stronger. It’s a time for healing and connecting with the desires of your soul. Give yourself a Mandatory Rest Time from 5:14 - 11:59 AM (PDT).
Exercise: In 1943 Abraham Maslow developed his theory on the Hierarchy of Needs. Pictures with examples are readily available with a quick internet search. Some of the needs are physiological (like breathing, going potty, eating, and drinking), safety (like security of the body, health, resources, family, etc.), love and belonging (like having good relationships, friends, and family), and so on. The actual theory is not important to our purposes at this time. Just use it to give examples of what personal needs might be. Think about your personal needs. Figure out which ones your has been asking for. Make a commitment to yourself to honor those needs.
You can inspire others to make a commitment to their own personal needs by sharing what you are committed to. Leave it in a comment!
Featured Product: If you’re having a hard time honoring your needs (or even knowing what your needs are) get a Life Purpose and Curriculum reading.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 is a day for attainment. The energy is aggressive and forceful. You may feel it as the aggressor or as the one who desires safety and peace. Let the desires of your soul guide you as you work toward attaining your goals. Do your best to embody passion, strength, and courage rather than turning into a bully or a victim.
Exercise: Find a way to make your surroundings more peaceful. This can be done physically by making some change in your environment and/or energetically by creating peace within yourself that reflects into your surroundings. Not sure how to create peace? Try one of these: Breathing Love and Peace or Quick Healing Reset
Featured Product: If you’re getting caught up in attainment but having trouble feeling fulfilled, try Fulfilled.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 is a day full of potential. You may just want to stay safe in a little hideaway. Even so, give yourself the opportunity to communicate, learn, and share your own knowledge. Make sure your actions are in alignment with the intentions you set for yourself last week. Take the evening (from 16:40 onward) to have a Mandatory Rest Time.
Exercise: Do an experiment today. Communicate only from a place of peace. If you don’t feel peaceful don’t speak until you do. A quote by an unknown author says: “Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” To connect with that peace try the Reflecting Peace Meditation.
Featured Product: Are you all wound up and having trouble experiencing peace? Try Unwind.
Do you know someone who would be open to trying this experiment with you? Share this newsletter with them!
Thursday, April 27, 2023 is a day for balance. Stay open to the blessings that are available to you. You may feel ready to experience life. You may feel optimistic and successful. If you decide to take risks, make sure that you are doing “dangerous things carefully”. You may also want to be recognized for your contribution which can lead to attention-seeking behavior (in yourself or in others - remember this energy affects everyone). Focus on staying true to your own goals (even if challenges arise) and acknowledging others for their special qualities.
Exercise: Give others some positive attention. People may be hungry for acknowledgement. (You may also feel it too.) So, if you see something special, praise it out loud to that person. (Don’t forget to look yourself in the eye and say “good job” as well!)
Featured Product: If you are feeling under-appreciated, try Full of Love.
Friday, April 28, 2023 is a day for creativity. You may feel some resistance on your path. Respond with flexibility. The energy is warm, generous, and full of pleasure. Embrace love, beauty, affection, and friendship. Don’t rely on will-power. Give people who are “impossibly self-important” plenty of extra space today.
Exercise: What simple pleasure does your inner child most desire? Create a special experience, a ceremony, around that desire.
For example, if your inner child desires the cake that was previously denied. Get yourself one piece. Go out of your way to make this as special as possible - perhaps by sharing it with a particular person or going to a special palace to eat it. Wear your best clothes and do your hair and makeup. Wear your favorite scent. Use your special dishes, light candles, and add any special object to the table. Offer the cake to your inner child. Say a prayer of thanksgiving, and then eat slowly, consciously, and with gratitude.
Share your ceremony with us by leaving a comment.
Featured Product: If your inner child doesn’t feel powerful enough to experience a simple pleasure in a safe, responsible, and/or guilt-free way, perhaps Powerful could help.
Saturday, April 29, 2023 is a day to create structure. Refine, edit, and change direction as needed (always staying in alignment with your true path). Give yourself a Mandatory Rest Time for the morning. After Noon is the perfect time to start on practical activities - problem solving, organizing, and addressing responsibilities.
Exercise: The best way to make sure everything outside of you runs as smoothly as possible is to make sure your own energy is running smoothly. One way to address this is to do some energy activation. This is a quick and easy video you can follow along with as your morning tea steeps: 4 Minute Tai Chi Exercises for Beginners - Organ Meridian Activation by David Wong.
Featured Product: If you’ve been hiding from your responsibilities by looking at screens, try Reset.
Sunday, April 30, 2023 is a time for change. Rethink and re-organize. Satisfaction comes from problem solving, helping others, and basking in the warmth of those around you. Give yourself some time to rest and to prepare for the week to come.
Exercise: Set things right. That is your assignment for today - whatever that means for you. Do you need to set something right with a person or perhaps your tea cupboard just needs to be reset. Do the thing that will give you the most relief when it’s done.
Featured Product: Are you feeling ill at ease with your life. Have a Stone Session to see how you can balance some things out.
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